Idoia Leonardo

Stories from abroad: Maeve III

Stories from abroad: Maeve III MAEVE’S OWN BROWN SODA BREAD New terms – Baking Is it time to learn some new terminology? I think it is. Let’s look at some baking terms. Idoia loves my brown bread. If you wish you can bake it and post it to her. Then, on your next Zoom lesson,… Seguir leyendo Stories from abroad: Maeve III

Hot Whiskey

Hot Whiskey When I went to Ireland for the first time I stayed with three different families working as an Au-pair. In the second family, I worked for a very famous singer at the time. His name was Red Hurley and he had represented Ireland in the Eurovision Song Contest a few years before, so… Seguir leyendo Hot Whiskey

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Categorizado como Cooking