Idoia Leonardo

Stories from Abroad. Maeve II

Stories from Abroad. Maeve II


How the weeks fly by.  The days are passing quickly.  I am allowed to move about more.  The permitted travel distance went from 5km, to 20km and to within county borders.

I’m happy and thrilled to swim in the sea again.  Dunmoran Beach, on the Atlantic Ocean is a fifteen minute drive from my home.  I like to dip (local slang for swim or bathe) in my togs (swimsuit!).  An all year round swimmer, from January through to December, the first few seconds are always cold.  I dip my toe and feel a cold tingle.  As I walk deeper into the water it comes up to my ankles, knees, thighs and waist.  After a few minutes, I pluck up the courage to plunge into the waves and submerge myself completely under the water.  I feel alive!

The interest in sea swimming in Ireland and increased in recent years and is now extremely popular.  There are many events, ranging from 500m swims to 10km swims.   Some people swim in wetsuits ( I don’t know the word for that in Spanish!)  and others in their swimsuit. We call this swimming in skins.

I’m spoiled by the choice of beaches in Sligo.  Sandy or with stones, long and short, we have the perfect beaches for swimming, surfing or walking. I am so glad to be able to visit them all again!

Maeve McCormack
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